
Showing posts from September, 2024

Sweetie Bot(tom)

 Mama's hand is no match for metal cheeks! ...Alas, however, this is just a dream brought on by the real Sweetie's hindquarters getting properly roasted yet again.


 Scootaloo has been told before to lock up the gates when she visits the farm. When she forgets this time, the Apple sisters have to run after the loose animals. Big Mac, meanwhile, bends Scoots over a hay bale and switches her cute little bum over her denim shorts. YEOWCH! That tiny thing stings!

Equestria Girls Pinup Calendar September 2024

 Back to school double feature! Cheerleaders Shimmy Shake (redhead) and Lighthoof (green hair) are here to make sure you've got plenty of school spirit!