Treehouse Trouble

 Spike and Pipsqueak are goofing off in his treehouse late one evening.

When your mother tells you it's time for dinner and to come inside, she means now, young man!

And just where do you think you're going, Pip? Velvet treats all the neighborhood kids the same as her own.

Pipsqueak ignored an adult's instructions, so he gets turned over Velvet's knee and his bottom bared for a hard spanking just like her son did.

Sent to the corner with cheeks exposed for a scolding. Pip has developed a problem that both he and Velvet are doing their best to ignore.

He can't help it, he's at that age. Still, that big already? He's going to make some girls very happy...assuming a slut like that Babs Seed doesn't get to him first.


Additional tags: hands on head, hand


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