Velvet's Trials of Motherhood #3

 "You dare bring this filth into my house?! And it's not even from my publishing company?! You won't sit down for a month, young man!"

Little sis turns to watch the show, even though she knows she's not supposed to. Serves him right, the perv.

"Now go join your sister. And Sparkle, you keep your nose in that corner! I don't want to hear another peep out of either of you."

There is an old fan theory that Twilight Velvet is somehow involved in the publishing industry, either as an author or a publisher. I always tended towards the latter. So even as she's polishing her son's backside for hiding porn magazines, she's a little miffed that he didn't even show any brand loyalty :D

Additional tags: mother/daughter, shorts pulled down, panties at halfmast, underwear at halfmast, standing in the corner


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