Off-Limits from Spanking
Super busy lately, and still not ready with anything I want to post yet, so time for a brief discussion post.
There are a few Equestria Girls characters/scenarios that I won't render. The first is Spoiled Rich spanking Diamond Tiara. Absolutely not. While IRL spanking is child abuse, this isn't real life; however, even in-universe, Spoiled Rich is an abusive monster. No go. Similarly, Garble spanking Smolder. He might have reformed, but he's still kind of a jerk, and it is hard to see him (justifiably) disciplining his younger sister, especially given that she is the more mature one.
Finally, at least within school, Zecora and Little Strongheart are exempt. I am playing it a bit loose in my renders, but Canterlot High School is in canon a public school. And in states that still use corporal punishment, children of color are disproportionately targeted. I know I already did one set on a similar theme, but that is set in a private school (in a state that has abolished CP in public schools). Those two characters are pretty obviously coded as PoC, so I'm just going to avoid that altogether.
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