
Showing posts from April, 2024

AmeTryst at the Mall

 Always the expert baker, Mrs. Cake is quite satisfied with these toasted buns. And why was the normally responsible and well-behaved Amethyst so brusque to begin with? Well, she had a date... Fortunately Trenderhoof doesn't seem to mind the affects at all!

Amethyst at the Mall

 Cupcake wouldn't have done it if it was just her disapproval of how short Amethyst's shorts were; that was something for the girl's own mother to worry about if she cared to. Cupcake wouldn't have done it if Amethyst had simply bumped into her, spilling her coffee and the pricey blueberries she had come to get; accidents happen. But when the teenager rudely demanded that Cupcake get out of her way and refused to help clean up the mess she'd made, that was when the baker turned the spoiled brat over her knee right there in the mall and gave those too-short shorts a good warming!

Spring Update!

 I was hoping to put out something for today, but this weekend quickly got taken up by other things. So instead I'll just make a text post. We are rapidly approaching TWO YEARS of the blog. I am planning something special. I briefly considered trying to get to 500 posts, but that would be way too much between now and then. Really goes to show how much having a large stock of unposted material can help, going from 365 posts in the first year to less than 135 in the second. We have passed 60,000 hits! Including the first and so far only non-spanking set to go over 100. One post with over 700 hits! Five posts with over 300 hits! Nine posts with over 200 hits! And 68 posts with over 100 hits! DeviantArt has worked out great, though I do have one problem there that I also have here: pretty much no comments. Lots of hits, good number of favorites, but no direct feedback. At least it's better than Derpibooru, which really seems to hate my work for some reason. Seriously, se...


 Recalling her own time in Manehatten, Applejack thinks it might be useful for her sister to live in the city with her aunt and uncle for a little while. Apple Bloom has some issues adjusting to the high-class Orange lifestyle. Fortunately Uncle Orange knows how to adjust attitudes... And I'm sure some of you are wondering: do her boobs pop out? Of course they do! Afterwards her tight little short shorts are tugged back up over her scarlet backside and she's sent to the corner.

Loose Ball, concluded

  See how quickly Scoots goes from anticipating her aunt's interference to regretting it. Alternate views: And now, young lady, you'll get what's coming to you!