Spring Update!

 I was hoping to put out something for today, but this weekend quickly got taken up by other things. So instead I'll just make a text post.

We are rapidly approaching TWO YEARS of the blog. I am planning something special. I briefly considered trying to get to 500 posts, but that would be way too much between now and then. Really goes to show how much having a large stock of unposted material can help, going from 365 posts in the first year to less than 135 in the second.

We have passed 60,000 hits! Including the first and so far only non-spanking set to go over 100.

One post with over 700 hits!

Five posts with over 300 hits!

Nine posts with over 200 hits!

And 68 posts with over 100 hits!

DeviantArt has worked out great, though I do have one problem there that I also have here: pretty much no comments. Lots of hits, good number of favorites, but no direct feedback. At least it's better than Derpibooru, which really seems to hate my work for some reason. Seriously, search for artist:arnulf and see.

Anyway, gonna catch a quick nap before I head back into work for some overtime when I'd rather be making more sets. I got bills to pay. See ya!


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